Logo strony - Twinning Współpraca Bliźniacza

25-lecie twinningu

Szanowni Państwo,

W związku z 25-leciem twinningu Komisja Europejska prosi kraje członkowskie o współtworzenie materiałów  informacyjnych - na piśmie ale także audio/video dotyczących poszczególnych doświadczeń/osiągnieć twinningowych.

Chodzi o podzielenie się krótkimi historiami z realizacji projektów, w tym filmami wideo, w szczególności:

1. Krótkie opowiadania powinny mieć maksymalnie 500 słów. Powinny one skupiać się na wpływie pracy, którą wykonano w kraju partnerskim oraz na konkretnych rezultatach, które zostały osiągnięte.  KE jest zainteresowana  zarówno historiami z pierwszych twinningów, jak i tymi nowszymi.

2.Są też zainteresowani wszelkimi filmami wideo, które zostały już wyprodukowane w przeszłości na temat zaangażowania w Twinning. Powinny one być nie dłuższe niż 3 minuty i opatrzone napisami w języku angielskim lub należy dołączyć do nich plik z napisami w języku angielskim.

Poniżej przedstawiam mail z KE w tej sprawie wraz z załącznikami.

Bardzo proszę o kontakt Państwa zainteresowanych sprawą. Mam wrażenie, że warto zaznaczyć Polską obecność także przy tej okazji.



Dear Member States National Contact Points,

The Twinning instrument launched 25 years ago and we are excited to mark this anniversary together with you!

We want to hear from you and share your achievements. Therefore, we are launching a call for submissions of short stories and videos – and for proposals on who to feature in our anniversary video.

  1. The short stories should be of maximum 500 words. These should focus on the impact of the work you delivered in a partner country and the concrete results that were achieved. In order to showcase the impact of Twinning over the past 25 years, we are interested to receive both stories from the very first Twinnings your Member State was involved in as more recent ones. Please include any pictures you may have of the projects.
  2. We are also interested in any videos you may have already produced in the past of your involvement in Twinning. These should be no longer than 3 minutes and subtitled in English or should be accompanied by a file with the subtitles in English. To share a heavy file, please use the file hosting service https://wetransfer.com
  3. On our side, we are working on animated explainers as well as testimonial videos. For information, attached you will find the scripts of our videos. We will also produce a video celebrating the anniversary for the Institution Building Days. Please reach out to us with proposals on who you believe we should feature in this video (past or present NCPs, PLs, RTAs or STEs). In the video, we will strive for gender and regional balance.

Your submissions and our products, will feature on a new dedicated webpage for the anniversary on our website that will showcase the uniqueness of Twinning. You will then be able to use these materials for the promotion of the Twinning instrument.

The attached data protection form will need to be signed by the individuals appearing in the videos as well as pictures.

The short stories and videos should be sent to us in reply to this email by 31 May, please get back to me at your earliest convenience if you have someone in mind for the testimonial video.

The main event marking the anniversary will be this year’s Institution Building Days. We are reflecting on how to best make use of the occasion to encourage more cooperation in partner countries around the world.

We have heard that many of you are planning to celebrate this occasion in your countries – please feel free to contact us with your plans so that we can look for synergies together.

Let's celebrate 25 years of Twinning together. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and I hope to see you all is Warsaw on 15-16 June!

Warm regards,

Pearse QUINN
Team Leader Twinning


© Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych Al. J. Ch. Szucha 23, 00-580 Warszawa tel. (+4822) 523 9000