2025-03-17 Czarnogóra Finanse
Improving and strengthening administrative capacity of the Audit Authority for audit of IPARD III programme and preparation for future certification work for EAGF and EAFRD
2025-03-14 Kambodża Finanse
Strengthening Tax Revenue Collection in Cambodia
2025-03-14 Nigeria Rolnictwo
Improving Food Security and Food System Using Climate Smart Technologies for Enhanced Value Chains Development in Nigeria
2025-03-14 Rwanda Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Strengthening the Delivery of Early Childhood Education and Community Support for learning in Rwanda
2025-03-03 Palestyna Inne
Enhancing and Developing the Palestinian Civil Defence Vehicle, Equipment and Logistics Department
2025-03-03 Palestyna Inne
Enhancing the Palestinian National Statistical System by Keeping Pace with New Developments
2025-03-03 Nigeria Rolnictwo
Improving Food Security and Food System Using Climate Smart Technologies for Enhanced Value Chains Development in Nigeria
2025-02-26 Bangladesz Finanse
Strategic Partnership of the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General in Bangladesh with (a) Supreme Audit Institution(s) in the European Union
2025-02-14 Jordania Inne
Strengthening Land Administration Framework in Jordan
2025-01-10 Tanzania Finanse
Capacity building for capital markets development in Tanzania
2024-12-18 Angola Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Capacity Building for the coordination of the Government policy to support MSMEs and the operationalisation of the National Network of Incubators
2024-11-28 Serbia Gospodarka
Strengthening capacities and introducing EU practices for sustainable management and programming of the “Lozionica – creative hub
2024-11-26 Czarnogóra Finanse
Support for regulation of the financial services in Montenegro
2024-10-25 Maroko Środowisko
Strengthening the capacities of the national electricity regulatory authority
2024-10-11 Mołdawia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthen the capacities of the General Inspectorate for Migration for the implementation of the migration management and asylum legislation in line with EU acquis
2024-10-11 Mołdawia Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Strengthening the institutional capacities of the State Labour Inspectorate to enforce the labour standards in the Republic of Moldova in line with the EU best practices
2024-10-09 Jordania Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to the Public Security Directorate to Fight Against Organised Crime
2024-10-08 Macedonia Północna Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
TWL Supporting the free access to information - We rise together
2024-10-08 Serbia Finanse
Further upgrade of education function in the Tax Administration of the Republic of Serbia
2024-08-20 Etiopia Rolnictwo
Support to the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Quality, Monitoring and Control Compliance Systems of Plant-based Primary and semi- processed Agricultural Products in Ethiopia
2024-08-12 Serbia Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Support to improving working conditions and preparing the Republic of Serbia to participate in EURES
2024-08-12 Mongolia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to the Justice in Mongolia
2024-07-19 Czarnogóra Finanse
Strengthening Corporate Governance provisions and administrative capacity of the Capital Market Authority of Montenegro
2024-07-15 Mołdawia Rolnictwo
Twinning Agrifood - Strengthening sector monitoring, data management and payment administration
2024-07-03 Mołdawia Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Strengthening the institutional capacities of the State Labour Inspectorate to enforce the labour standards in the Republic of Moldova in line with the EU best practices
2024-07-01 Macedonia Północna Rolnictwo
Strengthening the National phytosanitary system
2024-07-01 Mołdawia Inne
Strengthening the Capacities of the Moldovan Parliament and its role in the EU Accession Process
2024-06-12 Kirgistan Kultura i Nauka
Promotion of inclusive education and STEAM in urban and rural schools
2024-06-07 Jordania Inne
Support Digital Transition in Jordan Through Personal Data Protection and Artificial Intelligence
2024-05-31 Izrael Inne
Transformation of the National Statistical System Utilizing Big Data Methodologies
2024-04-30 Mołdawia Finanse
Strengthening the institutional capacities of the Competition Council to enforce the competition and state aid policy in line with the EU best practices
2024-04-03 Czarnogóra Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
COMPLEMENTARY ASSISTANCE SBS / Integrated Border Management
2024-03-27 Palestyna Finanse
Strengthening the Palestinian Monetary Authority and its role to support the stability, transparency, accountability and the digital transition of the financial sector in Palestine
2024-03-18 Ukraina Inne
Reforming Audiovisual Media Regulation in Ukraine in line with EU standards and international best practices
2024-03-12 Ukraina Finanse
Implementing Effective Supervision over Non-bank Financial Institutions
2024-03-06 Czarnogóra Zdrowie
Strengthening the administrative capacity of the Institute for Medicines and Medical Devices of Montenegro regarding the requirements of the EU accession process
2024-02-26 Macedonia Północna Inne
Supporting the inspection services for transportation of passengers and goods
2024-02-23 Czarnogóra Finanse
Further enhancing the functioning of Montenegrin AFCOS system with the aim of efficient protection of EU financial interests
2024-02-08 Algieria Kultura i Nauka
Support for the Development of Research and Innovation
2024-02-07 Kambodża Inne
Supporting Upper-Secondary (Grade 10, 11, 12) Technical Education Reforms in Cambodia
2024-01-31 Serbia Rolnictwo
Further development of National Fisheries Legislation
2024-01-29 Ukraina Inne
Institutional support to the State Service for Maritime, Inland Waterway Transport and Shipping of Ukraine in the implementation of the EU Acquis, Norms and Standards on Maritime Safety
2024-01-15 Macedonia Północna Inne
Improving quality and comprehensiveness of environmental and health statistics
2023-12-22 Mołdawia Rolnictwo
Twinning Agrifood –Strengthening sector monitoring, data management, statistics and payment administration
2023-11-28 Izrael Gospodarka
Fair environment for consumer product safety in Israel: improvement of market surveillance and adoption of self-regulation systems based on the best EU practices
2023-11-28 Maroko Środowisko
Appui au renforcement des capacités de l’Agence Nationale des Eux et Forets (ANEF)
2023-11-14 Gruzja Zdrowie
Enhance National Disease Surveillance System in Georgia through Improvement of the Epidemiological and Molecular (Genomic) Surveillance
2023-11-09 Serbia Rolnictwo
Strengthen capacity related to quality of poultry in the Republic of Serbia
2023-11-06 Tanzania Finanse
Capacity building for capital markets development in Tanzania
2023-10-27 Macedonia Północna Środowisko
Strengthening the capacities for enforcement of the environmental legislation
2023-10-23 Mołdawia Środowisko
Twinning Air quality and environment
2023-10-11 Gruzja Inne
Further Strengthening of the Georgian Statistical System
2023-10-06 Serbia Finanse
Further strengthening the capacity of the Serbian Audit Authority
2023-09-20 Bośnia i Hercegowina Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening capacities of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of Fight Against Corruption (APIK)
2023-08-18 Kambodża Inne
Enhancing the quality of the statistical system in Cambodia
2023-08-07 Izrael Inne
Support to the Israeli Policy on Energy Efficiency and its approximation to EU regulations on electrical appliances
2023-08-07 Czarnogóra Rolnictwo
Strengthening Capacities in Agricultural and Rural Development Sector for CAP Implementation
2023-07-14 Madagaskar Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Appui à la lutte contre le blanchiment et au recouvrement des avoirs illicites à Madagascar
2023-07-11 Gruzja Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Enhancing Safe and Healthy Working Environments in Georgia in line with EU standards and best international practice
2023-07-04 Azerbejdżan Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to further improvement of the migration management system in Azerbaijan
2023-07-03 Jordania Inne
Strengthening the Capacity of the Institution of Public Administration – Jordan
2023-07-03 Albania Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the efficiency, integrity and professionalism of the justice system by improving the capacity of the Albanian School of Magistrates
2023-06-23 Jordania Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
EU Support to Enhance Cyber security in Jordan
2023-05-23 Uzbekistan Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Systematisation and simplification of the regulatory framework
2023-05-12 Macedonia Północna Inne
Supporting the Civil Aviation Agency in the field of aviation safety and security
2023-05-02 Bośnia i Hercegowina Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Improving Service Delivery for Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina Through Strengthening the Capacity of the Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of BiH
2023-05-02 Izrael Inne
Support to the Israeli Policy on Energy Efficiency and its approximation to EU regulations on electrical appliances
2023-04-24 Bośnia i Hercegowina Finanse
Strengthening capacities of Indirect Taxation Authority of BiH
2023-04-19 Bośnia i Hercegowina Inne
EU for further development of statistics system in BiH
2023-04-12 Macedonia Północna Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the institutional capacities in dealing with cultural heritage and environmental crimes
2023-04-03 Liban Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Enhanced prevention and response to cybercrime by the Internal Security Forces in Lebanon
2023-04-03 Izrael Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Promoting Protection of Labour Rights of Foreign Workers
2023-03-29 Palestyna Środowisko
Environment and climate change mainstreaming in national development strategies and policies
2023-03-15 Tunezja Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Promotion du régime de l’auto-entrepreneur
2023-03-13 Gruzja Gospodarka
Advancing the Capacities of the Market Surveillance Agency of Georgia
2023-02-22 Macedonia Północna Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Enhancement of capacities of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services and the Public Service Broadcaster
2023-01-16 Albania Infrastruktura
Strengthening the overall capacity and effectiveness of the Agency for Energy Efficiency
2022-12-05 Palestyna Środowisko
Environment and climate change mainstreaming in national development strategies and policies
2022-11-21 Palestyna Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Enhancing Democratic Governance in Palestine through Strengthening Public Integrity and Corruption Prevention
2022-11-17 Tanzania Infrastruktura
Digital4Tanzania (D4T)
2022-11-04 Malawi Inne
Strengthening the Institutional and Technical Capacity of the Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA)
2022-10-13 Albania Inne
Strengthening the Science and Research ecosystem in Albania
2022-10-04 Serbia Zdrowie
Strengthening the capacity of the Serbia’s health sector for communicable disease surveillance
2022-10-04 Izrael Zdrowie
Support Israel Alignment with Union Acquis Regulations on issues related to Food Safety
2022-09-20 Maroko Inne
Support for the strengthening of governance and the deployment of innovative initiatives in favor of the inclusion of young people in Morocco
2022-09-19 Turcja Inne
Strengthening the Audit Capacity of the Audit Authority
2022-08-29 Czarnogóra Finanse
Improving legislative framework and strengthening the Administrative Capacity of the Audit Authority of Montenegro
2022-08-17 Macedonia Północna Środowisko
Further strengthening the capacities for effective implementation of the acquis in the field of industrial pollution
2022-08-17 Maroko Inne
Support for the strengthening of governance and the deployment of innovative initiatives in favor of the inclusion of young people in Morocco
2022-07-15 Izrael Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Promoting protection of labour rights of foreign workers
2022-06-28 Algieria Inne
Renforcement des capacités institutionnelles et professionnelles de l’Office National des Statistiques (ONS)
2022-06-20 Czarnogóra Finanse
Improving the capacities of the AFCOS System bodies in the field of irregularities management
2022-06-14 Czarnogóra Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Strengthening capacities of the Employment Agency of Montenegro in terms of ALMM implementation, future participation in ESF and facilitation of labour force mobility
2022-06-10 Algieria Zdrowie
Appui au développement des capacités de l’Agence Nationale des Produits Pharmaceutiques – ANPP
2022-05-26 Algieria Finanse
Improving the performance of the Directorate General of Taxation in international taxation
2022-05-26 Izrael Zdrowie
The Art of Organoleptic Checks of Fish and Other Food of Animal Origin: Products, Guidelines, Practice and Challenges
2022-05-20 Czarnogóra Gospodarka
Support to the RCA for ensuring efficient and effective customs controls at borders
2022-05-19 Macedonia Północna Środowisko
Support in the implementation of the waste management legislation and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme
2022-05-18 Algieria Środowisko
Support to CNESE Capacity Building in the evaluation of public policies
2022-04-29 Algieria Inne
Capacity building of the Ministry of Relations with Parliament
2022-04-29 Algieria Inne
Support for renewable energy development policies
2022-04-26 Azerbejdżan Infrastruktura
Increasing Road Safety in Azerbaijan
2022-04-21 Algieria Inne
Renforcement des capacités institutionnelles et professionnelles de l’Office National des Statistiques (ONS)
2022-03-10 Jordania Inne
Strengthening the capacity of Jordan’s Department of Statistics in terms of compilation, analysis and reporting of statistical data in line with International and European best practices
2022-03-02 Macedonia Północna Środowisko
Support in the implementation of the waste management legislation and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme
2022-02-16 Gruzja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Enhancing Critical Infrastructure Protection system, fight against Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism in Georgia
2022-02-16 Madagaskar Rolnictwo
Support to improve the sanitary and phytosanitary quality monitoring and control system and compliance of agricultural and agri-food products in Madagascar
2022-02-15 Rwanda Zdrowie
Strengthening Rwanda Food and Drug Authority’s regulatory functions related to medicinal products including vaccines
2022-02-14 Ukraina Zdrowie
Healthcare Anti-Corruption and Fraud Prevention Management
2022-02-03 Azerbejdżan Środowisko
Strengthening hydrometeorological and climate services in Azerbaijan
2022-02-02 Azerbejdżan Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Support to pension reform in Azerbaijan – Phase 2
2022-01-27 Tunezja Rolnictwo
Appui à l’amélioration des services et des conditions environnementales, sanitaires et sécuritaires dans les ports de pêche
2022-01-27 Tunezja Finanse
Modernisation des circuits de distribution des produits agricoles et de la pêche
2022-01-21 Serbia Rolnictwo
Support to establishment of carcass classification system in line with EU Common Agricultural Policy
2022-01-17 Tunezja Inne
Accompagnement de l’autorité de l’aviation civile en Tunisie dans la mise en œuvre de la nouvelle réglementation assurant le rapprochement à l’acquis de l’Union européenne.
2022-01-13 Gruzja Finanse
Strengthening Parliamentary Oversight in Public Finances
2022-01-10 Tunezja Rolnictwo
Renforcement du dispositif national d'encadrement vétérinaire de la santé animale
2021-12-28 Gruzja Inne
Assisting Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC) in Creating Enabling Environment for Digitalisation and Developing Digitalisation Strategy
2021-11-22 Tunezja Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Renforcement du régime de retraite et sa gouvernance
2021-11-22 Tunezja Gospodarka
Renforcement des capacités institutionnelles du Conseil de la Concurrence
2021-11-16 Azerbejdżan Zdrowie
Strengthening mandatory health insurance mechanisms in Azerbaijan (Phase 2)
2021-11-16 Ukraina Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to Cybersecurity in Ukraine
2021-11-02 Serbia Rolnictwo
Strengthening and adaptation of administrative capacities for the introduction of the Organization of Agricultural Markets
2021-10-29 Albania Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to the Office of the People’s Advocate and promotion of human rights in Albania
2021-10-22 Macedonia Północna Rolnictwo
Alignment of Legislation and Implementation of the Union Acquis in the Area of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Republic of North Macedonia
2021-10-11 Maroko Inne
Support for the Moroccan General Secretariat of the Government (SGG) in the framework of the legal approximation process with the European Union
2021-09-27 Azerbejdżan Inne
Strengthening capacities for quality assurance and credit transfer in Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Azerbaijan
2021-09-27 Armenia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Fostering integrity and preventing corruption in the public sector in Armenia
2021-09-09 Gruzja Inne
Strengthening Audio-Visual Media Regulation in Georgia in accordance with the Directive 2018/1808
2021-09-09 Czarnogóra Finanse
Establishment of the European Union’s own resources management system in Montenegro
2021-09-03 Azerbejdżan Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to the reform of the criminal asset recovery and management system in Azerbaijan
2021-08-17 Maroko Finanse
Strengthening institutional capacity of the Competition Council
2021-08-10 Maroko Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Support for the National Agency for the Fight against Illiteracy
2021-08-10 Serbia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government
2021-08-10 Albania Zdrowie
Support to enhance the organization and governance of the Institute of Public Health
2021-08-10 Macedonia Północna Gospodarka
Support to the Revenue and Customs Administration in preparation for upgrading TARICG to EU TARIC latest version and related ITMS subsystems
2021-08-09 Gruzja Infrastruktura
Support in Establishment of Comprehensive Road Safety Database and Further Improvement of Road Safety Management in Georgia
2021-07-16 Gruzja Zdrowie
Support in Implementation of Health Impact Assessment Practice in Georgia
2021-07-16 Gruzja Gospodarka
Strengthening of institutional as well as human capacities of Georgian National Agency for Standards and Metrology (GEOSTM) according to the international/EU best practices
2021-07-09 Namibia Gospodarka
Support to the Namibian Standards Institution
2021-07-06 Serbia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthened capacities (human and legal) of Criminal Police Department and Special Prosecution Office for Combating High-Tech Crime and public awareness
2021-07-06 Algieria Finanse
Renforcement des capacités institutionnelles et professionnelles de la Cour des comptes
2021-07-06 Jordania Środowisko
Supporting the Royal Department for Environment Protection and Tourism in enforcing environmental and tourism laws effectively in Jordan
2021-06-30 Macedonia Północna Rolnictwo
Improvement of the administrative and operational capacities of the plant protection authorities
2021-06-22 Dominikana Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support for the Institutional Strategic Plan of the Dominican Republic's Judiciary, Visión Justicia 2020-24
2021-06-08 Gruzja Infrastruktura
Strengthening Audio-Visual Media Regulation in Georgia in accordance with the Directive 2018/1808
2021-06-08 Izrael Inne
Energy consuming appliances
2021-06-08 Maroko Finanse
Strengthening institutional capacity of the Competition Council
2021-06-08 Maroko Inne
Support for the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco
2021-05-19 Mołdawia Finanse
Strengthening supervision, corporate governance and risk management in the financial sector
2021-05-17 Algieria Inne
Support to the Strengthening of Local Development
2021-04-19 Macedonia Północna Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Enhancing the protection of employees in the case of insolvency of their employer
2021-04-09 Maroko Inne
Strengthening of the National High School of Administration in Morocco
2021-03-29 Palestyna Inne
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Palestinian "Penra" and of the "Perc"
2021-03-24 Kirgistan Inne
Support to Digitalisation Agenda in Kyrgyzstan
2021-03-11 Azerbejdżan Inne
Strengthening capacities for quality assurance and credit transfer in Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Azerbaijan
2021-03-02 Palestyna Rolnictwo
Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance Systems and Services
2021-02-26 Macedonia Północna Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Further support to the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework
2021-01-26 Maroko Inne
Technical support for strengthening regulatory capacity in the postal sector
2021-01-26 Tunezja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Appui institutionnel en matière de prévention de la corruption
2021-01-14 Czarnogóra Środowisko
Development of Upgraded Integrated Tool and Update of Air Emissions Inventory for the period 2011-2019
2020-12-16 Zambia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Peer-to-Peer institutional support to the Anti-Corruption Commission in Zambia
2020-12-16 Zambia Finanse
Peer-to-Peer institutional support to the Office of the Auditor General in Zambia
2020-12-14 Serbia Zdrowie
Support in strengthening of the capacities of relevant institutions within the substances of human origins (SoHO) system
2020-12-10 Jordania Infrastruktura
Supporting Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission in the reinforcement of aviation security in Jordan
2020-11-30 Serbia Inne
Reinforcement of consumer protection in Serbia as a response to the new market challenges
2020-11-26 Maroko Inne
Strengthening the National Agency for Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education and Scientific Research
2020-11-12 Jordania Finanse
Strengthening the Capacities of the Audit Bureau (AB) of Jordan
2020-11-09 Armenia Gospodarka
Setting conditions for recognition of the Armenian Accreditation System by the European Co-operation for Accreditation
2020-11-04 Maroko Rolnictwo
Strengthening the capacities of the National Agency for the development of the fish farming in Morocco - Kingdom of Morocco
2020-11-02 Macedonia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to the implementation of the modernised data protection legal framework
2020-10-21 Palestyna Rolnictwo
Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance Systems and Services
2020-10-16 Maroko Środowisko
Support for the process of convergence towards the EU acquis in the institutional strengthening of the water police and in the management of water resources at the level of a hydraulic basin agency - Kingdom of Morocco
2020-09-29 Tunezja Inne
Appui institutionnel à la modernisation de la télévision tunisienne de service public dans le cadre de la transition démocratique
2020-08-10 Bośnia i Hercegowina Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
EU 4 Fight against Cybercrime in BiH
2020-08-05 Izrael Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Developing and Solidifying the Commissionership for Child and Youth Out-of-Home Complaints of Israel
2020-08-05 Mołdawia Finanse
Strengthening supervision, corporate governance and risk management in the financial sector
2020-08-05 Armenia Środowisko
Strengthened protection and sustainable use of biodiversity in Armenia in line with the European standards
2020-08-05 Bośnia i Hercegowina Inne
Further support to the reform of statistics system in BiH
2020-08-04 Jordania Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to the Community Peace Centre’s efforts to prevent radicalisation leading to violent extremism in Jordan
2020-06-17 Macedonia Finanse
Improvement of external audit and Parliamentary oversight.
2020-06-12 Czarnogóra Zdrowie
Support to Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Montenegro (CALIMS)
2020-06-08 Serbia Środowisko
Improvement of forest management in Serbia as a contribution to climate change adaptation and mitigation
2020-06-01 Albania Finanse
Support to the Albanian Customs Administration in relation to the implementation of the EU Customs Code and increase of operational capacities in the area of counterfeit goods
2020-05-29 Bośnia i Hercegowina Finanse
Further support to Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) of BiH
2020-05-28 Azerbejdżan Rolnictwo
Strengthening Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures in Azerbaijan
2020-05-14 Gruzja Gospodarka
Strengthening of institutional as well as human capacities of Georgian National Agency for Standards and Metrology (GEOSTM) according to the international/EU best practices
2020-05-08 Palestyna Inne
Support the strengthening of official statistics in order to better answer the needs of the users and building on exchanges and transfers with/from the EU statistical system
2020-04-29 Białoruś Finanse
Strengthening the capacity of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus in the area of financial market surveillance and supervision
2020-04-27 Jordania Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support the Jordanian Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission in the Fields of Integrity and Corruption Prevention
2020-04-24 Ukraina Gospodarka
Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture (META) of Ukraine in the field of National Quality Infrastructures (NQI)
2020-04-17 Maroko Inne
Support for the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco
2020-04-14 Kosowo Finanse
Assistance for implementing the Stabilisation and Association
2020-04-10 Maroko Inne
Support for the House of Councillors of the Kingdom of Morocco
2020-04-01 Gruzja Infrastruktura
Support to approximation of Georgian legal and institutional framework to the Union Acquis in the field of railway transport
2020-03-26 Albania Finanse
Strengthening the Protection and the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
2020-03-10 Ukraina Rolnictwo
Approximation of national legislation of Ukraine in the fields of state supervision of GMOs in open systems, protection of plant variety rights, and seed and seedling production in line with EU norms and standards
2020-03-09 Albania Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Institution-building for alignment with the Union acquis on the protection of personal data
2020-02-27 Gruzja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening Cybersecurity Capacities in Georgia
2020-01-27 Maroko Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support for the Presidency of the Public Prosecutor's Office
2020-01-17 Gruzja Rolnictwo
Ensuring further progress of SPS and food safety system in Georgia - Uwaga! Zmiana terminu przesyłania ofert!
2020-01-08 Azerbejdżan Inne
Support to the State Statistical Committee and the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy to strengthen collection, harmonization, analysis, publishing and dissemination of business statistics
2020-01-08 Azerbejdżan Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the capacity of State bodies and local level referral mechanisms to provide safety and support to victims of domestic violence in Azerbaijan
2019-12-31 Mołdawia Rolnictwo
Further support to agriculture, rural development and food safety in the Republic of Moldova
2019-12-16 Mołdawia Inne
Improving Spatial Data Services in the Republic of Moldova following EU standards
2019-12-11 Ukraina Finanse
Strengthening the institutional and regulatory capacity of the National Bank of Ukraine to implement EU-Ukraine Association Agreement
2019-12-04 Białoruś Gospodarka
Strengthening Cooperation between the EU and the Republic of Belarus in the Custom sector
2019-12-04 Armenia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the capacity of the National Assembly of Armenia to further support CEPA oversight and implementation
2019-12-02 Azerbejdżan Infrastruktura
Support to Azerbaijan Standardization Institute
2019-12-02 Gruzja Inne
Development of Network Tariff Setting Methodologies, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Regulatory Strategy and Creating Regulatory Framework for Enabling Demand Side Involvement
2019-11-27 Azerbejdżan Gospodarka
Support to the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan
2019-11-20 Białoruś Inne
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the National Statistics System of the Republic of Belarus
2019-11-14 Algieria Środowisko
Support to the modernisation and capacity building of the National Agency for Hydraulic Resources (ANRH)
2019-11-08 Ukraina Finanse
Support to the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) in further approximation of legal, procedural and case enforcement practices with EU antitrust and merger control practices
2019-11-05 Algieria Inne
Support to the Strengthening of Local Development
2019-10-25 Bośnia i Hercegowina Rolnictwo
EU support to capacity building and gradual Union acquis alignment in Food safety sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2019-10-25 Bośnia i Hercegowina Rolnictwo
EU support to capacity building and gradual Union acquis alignment in veterinary sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2019-10-25 Bośnia i Hercegowina Rolnictwo
EU support to capacity building and gradual Union acquis alignment in phytosanitary sector in BiH
2019-10-04 Gruzja Gospodarka
Strengthening Capacity of the Competition Agency of Georgia
2019-10-04 Egipt Finanse
Institutional Strengthening of the Egyptian Tax Authority
2019-09-24 Palestyna Inne
Support the strengthening of official statistics in order to better answer the needs of the users and building on exchanges and transfers with/from the EU statistical system
2019-09-24 Palestyna Finanse
Strengthening the capacities of the State Audit and Administrative Control Bureau and supporting the Bureau to become an independent, efficient and effective external audit institution in line with INTOSAI standards
2019-09-23 Armenia Inne
Enhancing Civil Protection in Armenia
2019-09-06 Maroko Finanse
Support for modernization of public financial management
2019-09-06 Jordania Finanse
Strengthening Central Bank of Jordan capacity for maintaining financial stability
2019-08-27 Gruzja Inne
Supporting inter-sectoral collaboration possibilities between Research and Industry
2019-08-20 Egipt Finanse
Strengthening the Administrative and Operational Capacities of the Egyptian Customs Authority
2019-08-12 Serbia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to the preparation for the establishment of the "Supplementary Information Request at the National Entries" (SIRENE) Bureau in Serbia
2019-08-12 Maroko Kultura i Nauka
Operationalization of the National Certifications Framework (CNC) in Morocco
2019-07-23 Jordania Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Support to Sustainable Reform of Social Work Injury Insurance in Jordan
2019-07-19 Albania Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the Capacities and Efficiency of the Security Academy
2019-07-18 Macedonia Finanse
Strengthening budget planning, execution and internal control functions
2019-07-16 Gruzja Zdrowie
Strengthening Blood Safety System in Georgia
2019-07-15 Białoruś Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support for the State Border Committee of Belarus in the implementation of the national Integrated Border Management (IBM) strategy and action plan
2019-07-15 Kosowo Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the Information and Privacy Agency in Kosovo
2019-07-08 Macedonia Finanse
Improving Revenue Collection and Tax and Customs Policy
2019-06-25 Serbia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to preparation for participation in EUROSUR network and EURODAC system
2019-06-24 Algieria Infrastruktura
Support to the strengthening of capacities of the National Meteorological Office (ONM)
2019-05-29 Algieria Rolnictwo
Support to the strengthening of the capacities of the Directorate General of Forests for the implementation of the Forestry Strategy
2019-05-28 Bośnia i Hercegowina Finanse
Support to development of an effective internal control and audit environment in the Indirect Taxation Authority of BiH
2019-05-15 Armenia Inne
Enhancing Civil Protection in Armenia
2019-05-15 Armenia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to Further Implementation of Civil Service Reform in Armenia
2019-05-09 Macedonia Inne
Support for participation in the ECAA – European common aviation area
2019-05-09 Gruzja Finanse
Capacity building of Insurance State Supervision Service of Georgia
2019-04-30 Albania Infrastruktura
Strengthening the capacity of the Albanian Road Authority in applying good governance practices for planning, managing, procuring, implementing and maintaining Road investments
2019-04-30 Gruzja Gospodarka
Strengthening Georgian Accreditation System with the Focus on EU Technical Regulations
2019-04-09 Albania Finanse
Enhancing Bank of Albania’s alignment with EU Acquis
2019-03-27 Algieria Finanse
Support to the Directorate General of Public Accounting for preparing the implementation of an accrual accounting system
2019-03-27 Gruzja Inne
Improving the Standards of Employment Conditions / Relations as well as Health and Safety at Work in Georgia
2019-03-26 Ukraina Infrastruktura
Strengthening the Regulatory Capacity of the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization in the Areas of Market Access and Quality of Service Monitoring System
2019-03-26 Egipt Gospodarka
Supporting and Upgrading the Institutional, technical and raising awareness capabilities of the Egyptian Patent Office (EGYPO)
2019-03-13 Serbia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to strengthening migration management and asylum system in Serbia
2019-03-12 Izrael Środowisko
Establishing a regulatory framework, supporting the implementation of the national strategy and strengthening institutional capacities in the field of waste management
2019-02-26 Kosowo Finanse
Further strengthening of Kosovo National Audit Office impact
2019-02-14 Macedonia Finanse
Strengthening the institutional capacity of the National Bank.
2019-02-01 Azerbejdżan Infrastruktura
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Intellectual Property Agency to Manage and Protect Intellectual Property Rights in Digital Networks
2019-01-30 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Personnel Training Centres of the Penal Institutions
2019-01-30 Liban Infrastruktura
Supporting Civil Aviation Authorities in Lebanon in the fields of Safety and Security
2019-01-23 Albania Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Further Strengthening the Competition Authority’s capacities to protect the free and effective competition in the market
2019-01-22 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Improvement of the Efficiency of Pre-service Trainings for Candidate Judges and Prosecutors
2019-01-10 Macedonia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the prevention/counter violent extremism and counterterrorism coordination capacities
2018-12-06 Gruzja Inne
Strengthening capacities for quality assurance and governance of qualifications
2018-12-03 Serbia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to the preparation for the establishment of the "Supplementary Information Request at the National Entries" (SIRENE) Bureau in Serbia
2018-12-03 Maroko Środowisko
Support to the implementation of the National Charter for Environment and Sustainable Development in Morocco
2018-11-29 Palestyna Finanse
Strengthening the Capacity of the Palestinian Authority to Improve Customs Revenue Collection and Borders Crossings Control
2018-11-27 Macedonia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Building of the institutional capacity of the Investigative Centre
2018-11-05 Serbia Rolnictwo
Development of the Legislative and Institutional Framework for the Effective Alignment and Implementation of the Acquis in the Area of Fisheries in the Republic of Serbia
2018-11-05 Macedonia Zdrowie
Harmonisation of the legislation for medicinal products with EU legislation and building capacities for its implementation
2018-10-26 Azerbejdżan Rolnictwo
Strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture to improve effectiveness and efficiency of state support to agriculture
2018-10-22 Bośnia i Hercegowina Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Empowerment and further support to the Parliaments of Bosnia and Herzegovina in EU integration tasks
2018-10-22 Liban Infrastruktura
Supporting Civil Aviation Authorities in Lebanon in the fields of Safety and Security
2018-10-17 Białoruś Inne
Strengthening the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus
2018-10-01 Gruzja Inne
Strengthening the Capacity of the Georgian Statistical System
2018-10-01 Białoruś Inne
Strengthening the capacity for geospatial data management and interoperability of the National Cadastral Agency
2018-09-21 Turcja Rolnictwo
R: Capacity Building for Fishery Producer Organisations and Provincial Agricultural Directorates in line with CMO
2018-09-21 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Forensic Trainings Towards Advanced Examination Methods
2018-09-17 Serbia Rolnictwo
Development of the Legislative and Institutional Framework for the Effective Alignment and Implementation of the Acquis in the Area of Fisheries in the Republic of Serbia
2018-09-14 Gruzja Finanse
Strengthening the National Bank of Georgia Capacity in the Field of Banking and Payment Services in Line with the EU Standards
2018-09-06 Gruzja Infrastruktura
R: Development of Incentive Based regulation for Service Quality and Regulatory Strategy to Support Roll-out of Smart Metering
2018-09-04 Serbia Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Support and improvement of occupational safety and health and labour inspection in the Republic of Serbia
2018-08-29 Gruzja Gospodarka
Strengthening Public Procurement Practices in Georgia
2018-08-17 Macedonia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Aligning the national systems with the EU and the Schengen requirements for border management
2018-07-25 Maroko Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to the High Council of the Judiciary Power in Morocco
2018-07-25 Mołdawia Kultura i Nauka
Enhancing the quality and effectiveness of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system
2018-07-20 Serbia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening Capacities of Internal Control in the Fight against Corruption within the Ministry of Interior
2018-07-18 Algieria Kultura i Nauka
Support to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the reinforcement of pedagogical skills of teacher & researchers and the managerial capacities of managers
2018-07-17 Algieria Rolnictwo
Support for the implementation of a quality management system within Vegetal Protection and Technical Controls services
2018-07-06 Ukraina Inne
Strengthening capacity of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE) on the development of energy production from renewable energy sources, production and use of alternative fuels
2018-07-05 Gruzja Gospodarka
Establishing Efficient protection and Control System of Geographical Indications (GIs) in Georgia - UWAGA! Nowa wersja fiszki - 17.07.2018 r.
2018-07-02 Mołdawia Finanse
Strengthening supervision, corporate governance and risk management in the financial sector
2018-06-21 Serbia Środowisko
Support to policy planning in water management sector
2018-06-13 Serbia Finanse
Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Serbia
2018-06-13 Macedonia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the capacities of the authorized bodies for fight against crime
2018-06-07 Tunezja Inne
Support for the implementation of the Tunisian civil service modernization strategy
2018-06-07 Tunezja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Institutional support for the administrative justice reform in Tunisia
2018-06-01 Maroko Zdrowie
Health Sector Support Program phase II
2018-06-01 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Better Management of Terrorists and Dangerous Offenders in Prisons and Prevention of Radicalization
2018-05-24 Macedonia Finanse
Further improvement of internal control system
2018-05-24 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Court Experts
2018-05-24 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Improving the Effectiveness of the Administrative Judiciary
2018-05-23 Maroko Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening Scientific and Technical Expertise and implementation of a Quality Management System within the Algerian Forensic Police
2018-05-18 Macedonia Inne
Strengthening of the capacities of the Postal Agency
2018-05-14 Tunezja Inne
Institutional support for Improving the performance of the Tunisian research and innovation system
2018-04-25 Gruzja Inne
Capacity Building of the Civil Service Bureau of Georgia to implement the Civil Service Reform
2018-04-24 Liban Rolnictwo
Strengthening the Veterinary Services and Food Safety Capacities of the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture
2018-04-19 Algieria Finanse
Support of the General Directorate of Customs for the Establishment of a Risk Management Center
2018-04-18 Ukraina Gospodarka
Strengthening the capacity of the Ukrainian National Standardisation Body
2018-04-16 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Empowerment of the Role of Ombudsman Institution in the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights
2018-04-11 Gruzja Gospodarka
Development of Incentive Based Regulation for Service Quality and Regulatory Strategy to Support Roll-out of Smart Metering
2018-04-11 Macedonia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Standardization and harmonization according to ISO 17025 standard of the laboratories within the Institute for forensic medicine, criminalistics and medical deontology
2018-04-05 Czarnogóra Inne
Capacities development for the Anti-Fraud Coordination Service
2018-04-05 Czarnogóra Inne
Support to Human Resources Management in the public sector
2018-03-29 Mołdawia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Enhancing the system of prevention and combating money laundering and terrorism financing in the Republic of Moldova
2018-03-27 Tunezja Rolnictwo
Appui à la protection des ressources en eau et au contrôle du domaine public hydraulique
2018-03-15 Mołdawia Finanse
Strengthening supervision, corporate governance and risk management in the financial sector
2018-03-08 Czarnogóra Finanse
Strengthening Institutional and Technical capacities of the Agency for Protection of Competition
2018-02-28 Serbia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Development of Schengen Action Plan
2018-02-28 Tunezja Inne
Renforcement institutionnel de l’instance constitutionnelle en charge de la régulation et du développement du secteur de la communication audiovisuelle.
2018-02-23 Macedonia Finanse
Strengthening the capacities of the system for fight against counterfeiting of EUR
2018-02-23 Turcja Rolnictwo
Capacity Building for Fishery Producer Organisations and Provincial Agricultural Directorates in line with CMO
2018-02-21 Macedonia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening of the penitentiary system and the probation service
2018-02-21 Czarnogóra Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Capacity development for the Agency for Personal Data Protection and Free Access to Information
2018-02-19 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the Capacity of Turkish Forensic Laboratories in Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking
2018-02-01 Gruzja Finanse
Strengthening Capacities of the service for Accounting, Reporting and Auditing Supervision in Georgia
2018-01-30 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Court Experts
2018-01-30 Serbia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to strengthening fight against trafficking in Human Beings
2018-01-19 Bośnia i Hercegowina Kultura i Nauka
Strengthening Institutional Capacities for recognition of higher education qualifications in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2018-01-16 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Revising and Improving the Structure of Judicial Storages for Criminal Evidences
2018-01-15 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Improving the Detection Capacity of Turkish Customs Enforcement
2018-01-02 Mołdawia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Reform of the initial and continuous training of the police system in the Republic of Moldova
2017-12-20 Serbia Finanse
Strengthening of the institutional capacities of the National bank of Serbia (NBS) in the process of EU accession
2017-12-20 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Improving the Effectiveness of the Administrative Judiciary
2017-12-20 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Improved Capacity of Civil Enforcement Offices
2017-10-13 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Increasing Efficiency of Auxiliary Staff in Judicial Services and the Quality of Trainings
2017-10-12 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Improving Judicial Notification System
2017-10-10 Serbia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the capacity to implement National Criminal Intelligence System (NCIS)
2017-10-05 Gruzja Infrastruktura
Supporting the Accession of Georgia to the Conventions on Transit Area and Launching of the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS)
2017-08-02 Azerbejdżan Finanse
Support to the Ministry of Taxes of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Transfer Pricing and developing Anti-Tax avoidance measures
2017-06-30 Izrael Inne
Establishment of the Israeli National Qualifications Framework (NQF) as a mechanism to fostering the development of Israeli human capital
2017-06-28 Algieria Finanse
Support of the General Directorate of Customs for the Establishment of a Risk Management Center
2017-06-28 Maroko Inne
Capacity building of the National Authority of Evaluation (NAE) in strengthening its competencies in the evaluation of public education policies
2017-06-28 Algieria Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Support for the modernisation of the public employment service
2017-06-28 Maroko Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Strengthening of the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research
2017-06-27 Macedonia Inne
Further institutionalization of structured mechanism/s for cooperation between the Government and the Civil Society
2017-06-22 Maroko Kultura i Nauka
Support to the Higher Education system in Morocco within the framework of a rapprochement with the European Higher Education Area
2017-06-22 Algieria Finanse
Support the Prospective Directorate General in organizing and making effective the business-processes related to the prospective
2017-06-22 Serbia Finanse
Further Development of Protection of Competition in Serbia
2017-06-22 Maroko Rolnictwo
Strengthening of export control capacities for agricultural products and fisheries
2017-06-22 Maroko Finanse
Strengthening the process of Gender Responsive Budgeting
2017-06-22 Maroko Zdrowie
Methodological support for improving performance in the management of financial resources of the Ministry of Health
2017-06-22 Maroko Gospodarka
Support to strengthening in energy sector
2017-06-22 Maroko Gospodarka
Support for the development of market surveillance
2017-06-14 Białoruś Finanse
Strengthening the National Bank of Belarus
2017-06-12 Maroko Infrastruktura
Strengthening institutional capacity of the Competition Council
2017-06-12 Maroko Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to the House of Councillors of the Kingdom of Morocco
2017-06-12 Maroko Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the protection of personal data
2017-06-05 Turcja Finanse
Improving the Detection Capacity of Turkish Customs Enforcement
2017-05-26 Turcja Finanse
Improvement of Customs Enforcement Capacity
2017-05-26 Jordania Finanse
Strengthening Central Bank of Jordan capacity for maintaining financial stability
2017-05-18 Mołdawia Infrastruktura
Implementation of the Maritime and Inland Waterways Transport Acquis, Strengthening of the Institutions and Compliance with the flag and port State duties of the Republic of Moldova
2017-05-17 Kosowo Finanse
Developing professional capacity of the Kosovo* National Audit Office (KNAO) regarding audit of Publicly owned enterprises (POEs)
2017-05-15 Azerbejdżan Kultura i Nauka
Support to strengthening the higher education system in Azerbaijan
2017-05-05 Gruzja Gospodarka
Strengthening the capacities of the technical and construction supervision agency (TCSA) in development of the market surveillance system in Georgia
2017-05-05 Maroko Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Strengthening governance and monitoring of basic medical coverage in Morocco
2017-05-05 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Revising and Improving the Structure of Judicial Storages for Criminal Evidences and Seized Materials and Related Legislation in line with EU Best Practices
2017-04-28 Bośnia i Hercegowina Inne
Support to the reform of the statistics system in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2017-04-28 Maroko Infrastruktura
Institutional Strengthening of the Ministry of the Communication and its partners operating in the field of communication and audiovisual
2017-04-25 Jordania Gospodarka
Support the preparation for the negotiation of the Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products (ACAA)
2017-04-12 Azerbejdżan Finanse
Support to the Ministry of Taxes of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Transfer Pricing and developing Anti-Tax avoidance measures
2017-04-10 Mołdawia Gospodarka
EU support for the National Institute for Standardization of the Republic of Moldova to comply with CEN and CENELEC full membership criteria
2017-04-10 Macedonia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Further development of the capacities for crime scene investigation
2017-04-10 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the institutional capacity of Turkish National Police regarding Public Order and Crowd Management in line with ECHR fundamental rights principles
2017-04-10 Jordania Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Enhancing the capacities for disaster risks reduction and for national crises management including the coordination of international response in Jordan
2017-03-29 Gruzja Inne
Improving Infrastructure Quality through Better Planning Systems
2017-03-10 Maroko Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the institutional capacities of the General Delegation to the Penitentiary Administration and Reintegration
2017-03-10 Mołdawia Środowisko
Support to development of an effective internal control and audit environment in public sector in Moldova
2017-03-06 Mołdawia Finanse
Support to the modernisation of Customs Service of Moldova in line with AA requirements
2017-03-06 Maroko Finanse
Capacity building in the framework of the implementation of the budget organic law
2017-03-02 Mołdawia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to the strengthening of the operational capacities of the Law Enforcement Agencies of the Republic of Moldova in the field of prevention and investigation of criminal acts of corruption
2017-03-01 Maroko Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the protection of personal data
2017-03-01 Maroko Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to the House of Councillors of the Kingdom of Morocco
2017-03-01 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the Data Collection Capacity of Turkish National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drugs Addiction (TUBIM)" R
2017-02-28 Mołdawia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Capacity Building of the National Centre for Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Moldova
2017-02-16 Czarnogóra Finanse
Support to Regulation of Financial Services
2017-02-14 Mołdawia Inne
Strengthening the capacities of the Parliament of Moldova for EU approximation process
2017-02-14 Bośnia i Hercegowina Finanse
Improving capacity of Internal Audit Department of the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) of Bosnia and Herzegovina
2017-02-14 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Independent Police Complaints Commission and Complaints System for the Turkish National Police, Gendarmerie and Coast Guard
2017-02-14 Serbia Rolnictwo
Strengthening capacities for implementation and further development of the legislative framework in the field of organic production and food quality policy
2017-02-14 Jordania Finanse
Strengthening Central Bank of Jordan capacity for maintaining financial stability
2017-02-14 Jordania Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Capacity Building of Public Security Directorate/Borders and Residence Department
2017-02-06 Serbia Zdrowie
Strengthening national institutional capacities in the field of Substance of Human Origins (SoHO) to improve the safety of blood in transfusion and transplantation
2017-02-06 Macedonia Środowisko
Strengthening the capacities for effective implementation of the acquis in the field of nature protection
2017-01-30 Serbia Finanse
Audit Quality Control in the State Audit Institution
2017-01-18 Macedonia Rolnictwo
Finalization of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN)
2017-01-18 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Increasing the Organizational Capacity of the Women and Children Sections (WCS) of the Gendarmerie General Command
2017-01-18 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Improvement of Customs Enforcement Capacity
2017-01-18 Serbia Zdrowie
Improving microbiology diagnostic system quality in the function of surveillance on communicable diseases in the Republic of Serbia
2017-01-18 Turcja Finanse
Enhanced capacity for public sector accounting standards (PSAS)
2017-01-17 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Enhancement of IT Capabilities of Risk Analysis System in Ministry of Customs and Trade (MoCT)
2017-01-17 Macedonia Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the operational and institutional capacities of the Customs Administration
2017-01-17 Macedonia Finanse
Further improvement of administrative capacities and external audit efficiency of State Audit Office
2016-11-24 Azerbejdżan Zdrowie
Support to implementation of mandatory health insurance System in Azerbaijan
2016-11-17 Kosowo Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to civil registration and document security
2016-11-14 Czarnogóra Finanse
Support to Regulation of Financial Services
2016-11-14 Kosowo Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Further support to Kosovo institutions in the field of the protection of Personal data
2016-11-10 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Independent Police Complaints Commission and Complaints System for the Turkish National Police, Gendarmerie and Coast Guard
2016-11-10 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the Data Collection Capacity of Turkish National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drugs Addiction (TUBIM)
2016-11-02 Ukraina Finanse
Development of external audit and control of public finances in Ukraine
2016-11-02 Gruzja Gospodarka
Support to National Agency for Standards and Metrology (GEOSTM) for further Implementation of the EU-Georgia Deep and Comprehensive Free trade Ares (DCFTA) Requirements
2016-11-02 Gruzja Infrastruktura
Supporting the Georgian National Communication Commission (GNCC) in Developing its Electronic Communications Regulatory Framework and Operational Capacities in Line with EU Regulatory Framework
2016-10-27 Gruzja Środowisko
Strengthening the administrative capacities of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia for approximation and implementation of the EU environmental 'acquis' in the fields of industrial pollution and industrial hazards
2016-10-27 Gruzja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
To support the rule of law and judicial independence in Georgia through strengthening professionalism of judges and judicial personnel
2016-10-27 Bośnia i Hercegowina Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support to the administrative structures for EU integration related tasks of the Parliaments of Bosnia and Herzegovina
2016-10-27 Serbia Środowisko
Support to Waste Management Policy
2016-10-07 Macedonia Finanse
Further improvement of administrative capacities and external audit efficiency of State Audit Office
2016-10-07 Mołdawia Infrastruktura
Implementation of the Maritime and Inland Waterways Transport Acquis, Strengthening of the Institutions and Compliance with the flag and port State duties of the Republic of Moldova
2016-10-07 Turcja Finanse
Improved Monitoring of Financial Management and Control
2016-10-05 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Enhanced capacity for public sector accounting standards (PSAS)
2016-10-05 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the institutional capacity of Turkish National Police regarding Public Order and Crowd Management in line with ECHR fundamental rights principles
2016-10-04 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Enhancement of IT Capabilities of Risk Analysis System in Ministry of Customs and Trade (MoCT)
2016-09-30 Serbia Rolnictwo
Strengthening capacities of phytosanitary sector in the field of plant varieties registration, including improvement of variety testing authorities Serbia
2016-09-30 Serbia Finanse
Creating conditions for strengthening the capacity of Serbian Customs Laboratory
2016-09-29 Chorwacja Środowisko
Supporting monitoring for safer management of hazardous chemicals that can be used as a chemical weapons in the Republic of Croatia
2016-09-21 Azerbejdżan Finanse
Strengthening the Institutional and Administrative Capacity of the Chamber of Accounts
2016-09-21 Izrael Infrastruktura
Strengthening the regulatory capacity of Israel in the field of telecommunications, with a focus on service provision over networks owned and operated by others
2016-09-16 Chorwacja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Assessment of current evidences and registers concerning collection and processing of the data in the field of asylum and proposal of measures for establishing more effective model of collecting data
2016-09-15 Gruzja Środowisko
Strengthening Sustainable Management of Forests in Georgia
2016-09-15 Czarnogóra Finanse
Support to Tax Administration
2016-09-15 Chorwacja Finanse
Integration and Improvement of Risk Based Supervision in Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency
2016-09-15 Maroko Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Promote Institutional reform and strengthen the Capacities of the Higher Judicial Institute
2016-09-08 Serbia Finanse
Support to Further Development of Public Internal Financial Control
2016-09-05 Chorwacja Finanse
Developing the Financial Literacy Programme with the aim of raising the level of financial literacy in the Republic of Croatia
2016-09-05 Azerbejdżan Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Support to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection in Modernising Public Employment Services in the Republic of Azerbaijan
2016-09-01 Chorwacja Finanse
Improving Reporting Process related to Derivatives Exposure and Derivatives Trading in Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency
2016-08-29 Albania Inne
2016-08-29 Mołdawia Kultura i Nauka
Support to promote cultural heritage in the Republic of Moldova through its preservation and protection
2016-08-29 Algieria Finanse
Support of the General Directorate of Customs for the Establishment of a Risk Management Center
2016-08-04 Algieria Finanse
Support the PDG in organizing and making effective the business-processes related to the prospective
2016-07-26 Chorwacja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Assessment of current evidences and registers concerning collection and processing of the data in the field of asylum and proposal of measures for establishing more effective model of collecting data
2016-07-26 Algieria Finanse
Implementation of Multifunctional Cadaster
2016-07-26 Chorwacja Infrastruktura
Strengthening capacities for energy efficiency in building sector in Croatia
2016-07-26 Kosowo Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Further strengthening the correctional and probation services in Kosovo
2016-07-26 Chorwacja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Processing of traces on clothing - from crime scene to forensic experts reports
2016-07-26 Serbia Rolnictwo
Identification of necessary steps in the process of establishing а carcass classification system in accordance with EU requirements
2016-07-26 Kosowo Rolnictwo
Support to strengthening Kosovo's plant production and protection system and capacities
2016-07-26 Kosowo Inne
Support Kosovo institutions on SAA implementation
2016-07-26 Serbia Inne
Further Development of Consumer Protection in Serbia
2016-07-26 Chorwacja Środowisko
Supporting monitoring for safer management of hazardous chemicals that can be used as chemical weapons in the Republic of Croatia
2016-07-26 Maroko Infrastruktura
Sustain transportation of dangerous goods by road according to international provisions relating to ADR
2016-07-08 Chorwacja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Advanced biostatistics in routine forensic DNA casework
2016-07-06 Chorwacja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Further enhancing the Human Resources, training and education system of the Ministry of Interior
2016-07-06 Chorwacja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening capacities of the Ministry of Interior in the field of biometric face identification
2016-07-06 Azerbejdżan Infrastruktura
Strengthening the National Accreditation System of the Republic of Azerbaijan
2016-06-30 Chorwacja Finanse
Integration and Improvement of Risk Based Supervision in Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency
2016-06-27 Chorwacja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Assessment of current evidences and registers concerning collection and processing of the data in the field of asylum and proposal of measures for establishing more effective model of collecting data
2016-06-27 Azerbejdżan Inne
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Copyright Agency to Manage and Protect Intellectual Property Rights in Digital Networks
2016-06-16 Chorwacja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Implementing Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology in DNA forensic science laboratory
2016-06-16 Algieria Inne
Institutional building in supporting the system for the collection, the processing and the promotion of the information in relation with consumer protection
2016-06-16 Algieria Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening scientific expertise and quality management of the National Institute of forensic science and Criminology at the National Gendarmerie
2016-06-16 Chorwacja Finanse
Support to further development and strengthening of the system of central public procurement within the CPO
2016-06-16 Chorwacja Finanse
Implementation and development of monitoring and auditing e-commerce function within Croatian Tax Administration
2016-06-16 Maroko Finanse
Strengthening the institutional, professional and technical capacities of the Moroccan Court of Auditors
2016-06-08 Turcja Infrastruktura
Improvement of Nuclear Safety Regulatory Infrastructure of Turkey
2016-06-08 Ukraina Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Support to Ukrainian administration in developing a legal and administrative set-up to introduce a system of early intervention and rehabilitation for children with disability or having a risk of disability
2016-06-07 Chorwacja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Enhancing administrative and operative capacities of the National Police Office for Suppression of Corruption and Organized Crime
2016-06-03 Chorwacja Finanse
Developing the Financial Literacy Programme with the aim of raising the level of financial literacy in the Republic of Croatia
2016-06-03 Macedonia Środowisko
Strengthening the capacities for effective implementation of the acquis in the field of water quality
2016-06-03 Algieria Środowisko
Governance and water resources integrated management in Algeria
2016-05-30 Albania Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Further Strengthening the Assembly of Albania in the context of EU Accession (AL Parliament)
2016-05-30 Chorwacja Finanse
Improving Reporting Process related to Derivatives Exposure and Derivatives Trading in Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency
2016-05-30 Algieria Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Support to capacity building of the Ministry of National Solidarity, Family and the Status of Women in its overall strategy to promote the integration of persons with disabilities in the workplace
2016-05-19 Albania Finanse
Preparation of the Albanian Customs Administration for the EU-Integrated Tariff Management System
2016-05-19 Ukraina Rolnictwo
Approximation of Ukrainian legislation with the EU in the field of plant protection products and plant health and strengthening associated inspection and laboratory services
2016-05-19 Macedonia Inne
Further support for strengthening of EU and IPA related capacities of the SEA Training Centre
2016-05-17 Chorwacja Praca i Sprawy Socjalne
Strengthening institutional capacity in social welfare system to improve social welfare targeting and reducing poverty
2016-05-17 Ukraina Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Supreme Court of Ukraine in the field of human rights protection at the national level
2016-05-10 Tunezja Kultura i Nauka
Appui au Ministère de la Culture et de la Sauvegarde du patrimoine dans la mise en œuvre de sa politique
2016-05-10 Maroko Finanse
Improvement of the Tax Administration performance and its relations with taxpayers
2016-04-26 Chorwacja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Advanced biostatistics in routine forensic DNA casework
2016-04-22 Chorwacja Finanse
System connecting and recommendations for further development of human resources management according to best EU practices
2016-04-14 Macedonia Gospodarka
Strengthening the capacities of the Bureau of Metrology for internal market integration
2016-04-13 Chorwacja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening capacities of the Ministry of Interior in the field of biometric face identification
2016-04-13 Chorwacja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Strengthening capacities of the Ministry of the Interior to implement the automated exchange of DNA and dactyloscopic data
2016-04-06 Chorwacja Inne
Strengthening capacity of the Central Finance and Contracting Agency in its role of Intermediate body level 2
2016-04-04 Mołdawia Rolnictwo
Support to the National Food Safety Agency of the Republic of Moldova
2016-04-04 Chorwacja Finanse
Strengthening of the Agency for the Audit of European Union Programmes Implementation System (Audit Authority) for the Audit of EAGF, EAFRD and EMFF
2016-03-31 Macedonia Finanse
Further harmonization of the tax legislation with EU acquis
2016-03-31 Chorwacja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Implementing Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology in DNA forensic science laboratory (CRO NGS)
2016-03-29 Macedonia Finanse
Strengthening the capacities of the national authorities for sound and efficient management of EU Funds, as well as in view of the new EU Regulation for the 2014-2020
2016-03-17 Chorwacja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Disaster victim identification in natural and accidental disasters and terrorism acts (CRO DVI)
2016-03-16 Chorwacja Finanse
Further development of internal control system and work methodology (CRO INTERCON)
2016-03-15 Chorwacja Finanse
Further harmonisation of the Customs Administration with the EU acquis in the field of inspection supervisions (CRO CUSTOMS AUDIT)
2016-03-03 Gruzja Zdrowie
Institutional Strengthening of Environmental Health System of Georgia
2016-03-03 Chorwacja Finanse
System connecting and recommendations for further development of human resources management according to best EU practices
2016-03-03 Macedonia Środowisko
Strengthening the administrative capacities for implementation of Waste Framework Directive (WFD) and Special Waste Streams Directives (WEEED, WBAD and WPD)
2016-03-03 Chorwacja Środowisko
Chemicals and hazardous substances monitoring improvement and integration of Seveso database into Croatian Environmental Information System (CEIS) as the unique Central Seveso Information System
2016-03-03 Mołdawia Zdrowie
Strengthening of the of the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Moldova as regulatory agency in the field of medicines, medical devices and pharmaceutical activity
2016-03-03 Macedonia Rolnictwo
Further development of Competent Authorities’ control systems to protect the human, animal and plant health
2016-03-03 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Empowerment of the Role of Parliament in the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights by Strengthening the Administrative Capacity of Parliament
2016-03-03 Chorwacja Inne
Strengthening integrity of public sector (CRO INTEGRITY)
2016-03-02 Czarnogóra Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Support the implementation of integrity
2016-03-02 Mołdawia Rolnictwo
Capacity building of the Moldovan Agency for Intervention and Payment in Agriculture (AIPA) for the application of EU norms and standards for the administration of ARD support schemes
2016-03-02 Macedonia Inne
Support to the State Statistical Office for capacity building and improving compliance of statistics with EU standards Statistics
2016-03-02 Ukraina Infrastruktura
Support to the Ministry of Infrastructure in Establishing Conditions for Application of the European Model of Rail Transport Service Market in Ukraine
2016-03-02 Turcja Sprawiedliwość i Sprawy Wewnętrzne
Establishment of a National Coordination & Joint Risk Analysis Center (NACORAC) and an Integrated Border Management Integrated Database
2016-03-02 Bośnia i Hercegowina Finanse
Improving capacity of Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) of Bosnia and Herzegovina