Informuję, że Komisja Europejska poszukuje ekspertów z administracji publicznej krajów członkowskich zajmujących się (obecnie lub w przeszłości) komunikacją strategiczną w kwestiach związanych z UE.
Ww. eksperci mogliby wziąć udział w 2019 r. w działaniach w ramach programu TAIEX dla krajów Bałkanów Zachodnich.
Poniżej przesyłam Państwu wiadomość z KE dotyczącą przedmiotowego zagadnienia.
Ekspertów chcących wziąć udział w proponowanych działaniach proszę o kontakt z Krajowym Punktem ds. twinning i TAIEX w MSZ.
Komisja Europejska nie określiła terminu przesyłania zgłoszeń, co należy odczytywać jako - im szybciej tym lepiej.
"DG NEAR is organizing a series of activities during 2019 on Strategic Communication in the Western Balkans. The activities are directly managed by DG NEAR Communication Unit and the EU Delegations in each country of the Western Balkans, and as such those are strategic TAIEX events (no classic TAIEX). We had the first Workshop in October 2018 in Belgrade, please fins attached the final Agenda for your reference. Each Agenda will be slightly different as tailored on the specific needs of each country and coordinated by the Communication Unit and the EU Delegation in the country.
The aim of the activities is to increase the communication capacity of the beneficiary public administration to better communicate the country's EU integration process and the benefits the EU enlargement process will bring to citizens' everyday life. The workshop will also assist in identifying the communication challenges faced by the administration, through the transfer of knowledge and best practice from EU Member States' experts. The workshop will support public communicators in designing communication strategies to undertake strategic communication actions on EU policies in their specific areas of expertise and activities.
We would like to expand our network of TAIEX experts on strategic communication, ideally experts (public civil servants) who managed institutional communication during the enlargement process of their own countries, or experts who successfully dealt with (or are still dealing with) communication campaigns on EU funded projects. We believe that this kind of expertise could be also potentially useful also in classic TAIEX project, cross-cutting the different thematic sectors (Justice and Home Affairs, Internal Market, Agriculture and Fisheries, Connectivity and Environment).
I would be therefore grateful if you could recommend the best experts in the field in your country, sending me the their CV or the link to their LinkedIn profile. The next activity is tentatively scheduled for mid-March in Tirana, Albania".