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Specjalne regulacje twinningowe w związku z pandemią COVID

Szanowni Państwo,

Poniżej informacja z Komisji Europejskiej.


Dear National Contact Points, dear colleagues,  

I hope my emails finds you and your friends and families well.

On behalf of Director Lawrence Meredith, my own and the Twinning Team, I would like to warmly thank you for all the information provided in the last weeks which allowed us to have an up-to-date overview of the quickly evolving situation. Your questions complemented those coming from EU Delegations and Contracting Authorities and has represented a valuable input about the needs on how to adapt our Twinning work to the current situation. The spirit of solidarity of the Institution Building community is impressive and we would like to thank you for your assistance and flexibility in making Twinning a success, in particular in these challenging times.

A few days back DG NEAR’s Director General Christian Danielsson invoked an article of the Financial Regulation, which allows a certain flexibility to the current procedures. In line with this decision, Director Lawrence Meredith have also authorised a set of options which can be used by the respective Contracting Authorities in relation to ongoing Twinning contracts. These options should be understood as temporarily complementing the Twinning rules and can be found on the Twinning website: https://ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/tenders/twinning_en under the Twinning Manual tag.

Allow me to underline that the roles and responsibilities defined by the Twining Manual, especially those entrusted to Contracting Authorities remain fully applicable. Hence, the Contracting Authorities remain the ones empowered to assess the particular situation in their respective countries and to make decisions on a case-by-case basis.

As regards TAIEX, our current position is to postpone events that have been scheduled for April and May. We are looking into different possibilities to offer online exchanges with a view to agree, together with experts and beneficiaries again on a case-by-case basis, whether such form of assistance would be useful and would meet the expected outcomes.

The Twinning team and myself remain ready to assist you in any matter of concern.

On behalf of my Director and the Twinning team let me wish you all the best to you, your families and colleagues.

Best regards,

Diana  Jabłońska

Diana Jabłońska

Head of Unit

Institution Building, TAIEX, Twinning


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