Szanowni Państwo,
Poniżej przedstawiam informację z Komisji Europejskiej otrzymaną 24.01.2022 r. i dotyczącą wykorzystania systemu OPSYS w programach twinningowych.
Dear National Contact Points, dear EU Delegations
Many of your sent queries about the new IT tool OPSYS and what is expected from NCP offices, contracting authorities and RTAs. The purpose of this message is to provide some information which hopefully will be useful to address your queries.
During the Institution Building days it was mentioned that the European Commission developed a new corporate IT system ‘OPSYS’ as a one-stop-shop for the management of the entire EU external relations portfolio of projects and programmes, with the objective of increasing the effectiveness, transparency and results-based way of delivering EU aid cooperation. This exercise is important and part of the corporate change management at the EC designed to raise the effectiveness and visibility of EU cooperation.
An important aspect of OPSYS is to provide a space for monitoring and results reporting on interventions/projects by implementing partners (i.e. any entity that has a contract with the European Commission) and operational managers in the EU Delegations (EUD). The request which needs to be addressed now, is about encoding logframes and results in OPSYS for the projects that ended in the last 12 months. Soon, this will be applicable to ongoing projects. The respective EUD will invite lead Member States to join OPSYS and to encode the Log frames. The encoding will be monitored and followed up by the EUD and relevant EC support services and validated by the EUD at the end of the encoding process.
As a first step, please inform your Twinning implementing partners and RTAs to get in touch with the Twinning focal person in the relevant EUD for further details on the exercise and its timing.
To help you along in this process, the EC is organising various information sessions for the implementing partners. Enclosed you will find a presentation from a session in December and the video-recording of that session is available here. - Załącznik zawiera wyłącznie prezentację. Aby otrzymać link do nagrania wideo proszę o kontakt z KPK.
The next live sessions will take place on 28 January (EN), 7 February (FR) and 15 February (ES) – please find enclosed the invitation. In case you or your partner institutions would be interested to attend, if not, please forward the information to the relevant stakeholders in your national system. - Aby otrzymać zaproszenie proszę o kontakt z KPK.
We thank you in advance for your collaboration and for making this information available to your network.
With kind regards and best wishes to all for the New Year,
Simona and the Twinning team in C3
Simona Gatti
Senior Expert, Team Leader Twinning coordination and TAIEX JHA