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Szkolenie na temat systemu OPSYS - zgłoszenia do 4 marca

Szanowni Państwo,

Jak wynika z poniższej wiadomości Komisja Europejska organizuje szkolenie na temat systemu OPSYS, który ma zostać wprowadzony także przez DG NEAR w najbliższej przyszłości. Chętnych Państwa do udziału w tym szkoleniu uprzejmie proszę o kontakt z KPK MSZ do czwartku 4.03.2021 r. do końca dnia.

Z poważaniem,



Dear National Contact Points,

 The External Relations family in the European Commission (DG NEAR, DG INTPA, FPI,) is currently transitioning to a new IT system called OPSYS which encompasses a series of changes in the way the European Commission works with implementing partners.

 There are two main changes as regards of implementing partners. The first one is the interface for registration of partners and the second is interaction between OPSYS and the implementing partners during the implementation of the projects.

 Some of you may have already received communication from the Commission requesting actions from their side for registration, and in some other cases they may have been asked to contribute to piloting initiatives.

 In order to better accompany this process and this transition, we are ready to organise a training session for you. Indicatively this could be implemented by our colleagues in charge of the OPSYS programme in the second half of March 2021.

 Please let us know if you, or a colleague from your administration, are interested and would like to participate to such training.

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