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TAIEX & Twinning National Contact Points meeting 2024. Zagreb, 28-29 May

Szanowni Państwo,

Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych Chorwacji we współpracy z DG NEAR zorganizowało w Zagrzebiu w dniach 28,29 maja 2024 spotkanie koordynatorów twinning/TAIEX. 

W spotkaniu wzięło udział ponad 100 osób, w tym przedstawiciele Komisji Europejskiej, państw UE oraz krajów partnerskich współpracy.

Przedstawiciel Polski otrzymał możliwość wystąpienia w dwóch panelach przedstawiając doświadczenia PL w realizacji projektów dla państw Partnerstwa Wschodniego oraz polską drogę od beneficjenta do dawcy pomocy twnningowej. Obydwa wystąpienia zostały bardzo dobrze przyjęte wywołując ożywioną dyskusję.

Program konferencji.

Prezentacje uczestników spotkania zostaną załączone do niniejszej wiadomości po otrzymaniu ich od organizatorów.

Statystyki TAIEX 2023-2024


Dalsze zmiany w budżetach twinningów.

Poniżej informacja z Komisji Europejskiej o planowanych zmianach oraz prezentacja. Zachęcam Państwa do podzielenia się przemyśleniami po lekturze przedstawionych informacji.


Dear MS Twinning National Contact Points,


It was a pleasure to meet again at the gathering in Zagreb. Thank you all for your active participation in the Twinning technical discussion.

Enclosed you will find the power point presentation of this session.


It is important to reiterate that due to the corporate onboarding to the Model Grant Agreement, the Twinning budget will need to be changed from its current form.


The lump sum approach we are currently formulating in Twinning is designed to significantly reduce the administrative burden, notably around the financial management of Twinning grants. Our proposal will maintain most of the cost categories (e.g. daily subsistence allowance, travel costs, Twinning project support costs and daily allowance) from the current budget.

Lump sums require a different approach to estimation of costs and design of detailed project budget, which thence becomes part of the project proposal and of the evaluation.


As per current practice, Twinning proposals will be structured around components and key activities, allowing the RTA and the beneficiary administration to develop specific activities together at later stage during implementation.

In this new approach, components will be grouped into Work Packages (WPs). Each WP will have a lump sum amount calculated from cost estimates at the component and key activity levels.


It is important to note that this detailed budget table does NOT become part of the lump sum grant agreement. Instead, the estimated budget (Annex 2) will provide a breakdown of lump sums only at the WP level and by beneficiary. No additional cost details are needed for lump sum grants or in separate reports, allowing implementing partners to adjust budgets flexibly to meet actual needs.


The evaluation will focus on the methodology and quality of the experts proposed, assessing whether the key activities are appropriately reflected in the budget and the estimated costs reasonable and not excessive. Budget proposals will not be evaluated one against another.


During our discussion we have taken good note of all your comments; however, we welcome any further feedback you would like to provide in writing after having had the time to reflect on the presentation and/or to consult your network. All feedback is welcome and in particular your thoughts on:


  • Expert daily rate (flat daily allowance), and the options presented in the slides.


  • Twinning project support costs, in relation to how the expert daily rate is set.


  • Different cost categories and ceilings as contained currently in the Twinning Manual – we are using this opportunity to take a 360-degree view of all Twinning rules and therefore we welcome any thoughts you may have in this regard. For example, would you recommend lowering/increasing some ceilings, such as for procurement of equipment?    


These and any other comments you might have are crucial for us to be able to make the right choices that will make the difference on the ground enabling Twinning to continue to deliver tangible results for our partner countries.


We are looking at finalising the revisions and proposals in the coming months, with a perspective of launching a Twinning lump sum pilot towards the end of the year subject to internal approval processes. With this in mind, your timely feedback would be much appreciated.


We remain available to clarify any further point or question that may arise in the meantime.


With kind regards,


Twinning Coordination Team



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